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2016 Florida Hurricane Exercise KIMO

HurricaneMapping is tracking Florida exercise KIMO May 15-21, 2016. You can download updates for ArcGIS and Google Earth using the specific advisory links below.

Clicking on a 'KML Format' link should automatically launch and load this file into Google Earth.

Each shapefile dataset is a zipped collection of many shapefiles
HINT: After unzipping the advisory folder, look for the KimoXX_LYR file to load all layers into ArcMap at once.

Sunday, May 15

Monday, May 16

Tuesday, May 17

Wednesday, May 18

Thursday, May 19

Friday, May 20

Saturday, May 21


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Need more information about HurricaneMapping's KML and Shapefile dataset specifications? Refer to the KML Dataset Description and Shapefile Dataset Description pages for details.